It’s Not Just What We Build.
It’s Who Builds It.

Join public agencies and private sector companies across the country committed to increasing the number, size and proportion of contracts going to Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs*) in the infrastructure space. This creates more competition for public contracts, saving taxpayer dollars and delivering better value for infrastructure investments while building generational wealth and reducing the racial wealth gap.


Coalition of the Committed Reaches 91 Signatories

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EIP Grows With Six New Pledge Signers

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What EIP Does

By signing our pledge, CEOs of public and private organizations commit to actions that advance our mission to create more competition for public contracts by creating more prime, joint venture and equity partner contracting opportunities for HUBs. In doing so, agencies save taxpayer dollars and deliver better value for infrastructure investments while building generational wealth and reducing the racial wealth gap. EIP works with federal, state and local government, as well as NGOs, to achieve these goals. EIP was founded by Denver International Airport CEO Phillip A. Washington, former US Deputy Secretary of Transportation John D. Porcari and others in anticipation of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. EIP’s work is supported by Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Social Impact Fund, HNTB, STV, Anser Advisory, The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and The James Irvine Foundation.


Foundational Sponsorship

Platinum Sponsorship

Gold Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship

Bronze Sponsorship