Our Pledge relies on a baseline established by each participating agency against which they will measure themselves through December 2025 and will be posted on our forthcoming EIP dashboard. Accordingly, participating agencies must submit information on their existing contracting programs, including current utilization of small business enterprises (SBEs), disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs), women and minority business enterprises (W/MBEs), and any other category of Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) for which they accept certifications or have targeted procurement programs.
We encourage signers to include as much detail on contracting programs as they are able, ideally identifying the number and percent of HUBs to which contracts were issued as primes and subcontractors over a named period of time, differentiated by distinct categories of spending including goods, services, and construction.
EIP recognizes that including agencies from across the country requires flexibility in these baseline measurements. Agencies run different programs and use unique systems to collect and report data, limiting cross-agency comparability.
We encourage agencies to participate regardless of the sophistication or breadth of current programming, and to measure progress against their individual starting point. Our goal is to spur collective action, at scale, that expands contracting opportunities for HUBs by December 2025.
EIP is developing a dashboard that designed to provide metrics from each pledge signer. We intend this dashboard to serve as a model for others.